When I look back at the twenty years Phantom Screens has been in business I realize just how the world has been transformed in countless ways. I am so grateful that our company has both survived and thrived. But through all this change, there has been a constant. And that constant is the people at Phantom Screens. I have nothing but admiration for everyone’s dedication, commitment and hard work – which is something well worth celebrating.
To say thank you, we got the team at Phantom’s corporate office and production together to have a celebration barbecue last month – and we got this awesome group photo which I thought I would share.
Celebrating our 20th Anniversary -the great people at Phantom Screens
I love the people who work at Phantom. They have been and continue to be our greatest resource. Each and every one of them has different skills, different talents and different personalities. Those differences have combined to create an incredible team – of which I am truly proud.
Through our two decades in business we’ve been able to touch many lives in many ways – from our distributors and dealers to the homeowners who choose our products, as well as the people who work here and those less fortunate through ourselves.
It has been a privilege to be part of Phantom Screens and I’m fortunate that this blog gives me the change to put in writing my thanks you to everyone at Phantom – and appreciate all that they do. We’ll be getting together with our distributors later in the year and I’ll be able to thank them in person too. But for now, I wanted to highlight the people who make and market our retractable screens.
Thank you everyone. You’re amazing.