“So I can kiss you anytime I want…” My favorite quote from my favorite movie: Sweet Home Alabama. I only have to hear those words and I’m transported to the South. And of course, inside the movie you get the song too – so what’s not to love?
Now, you may be wondering why I’m starting my blog with quotes from “Sweet Home Alabama”. It could be because I’m a Reece Witherspoon fan for sure! But truth is I’ve just got home from Mobile, Alabama. If you follow me on Twitter (@estherdewolde) or Instagram (@cestherdewolde), you will know I headed there last week on a ‘secret’ marketing mission for Phantom Screens.
The good news (for me) is the trip was terrific. The bad news (for you) is, I can’t tell you about it – it’s still top secret.
For me it’s about as hard to keep it secret as it is for my daughter Madison at Christmastime, who just can’t help herself but drop hints about the presents she’s put under the tree for us. Every year she says: “Mom, this year I’m not going to let you know what I got you”. Two breaths later: “Hey Mom, your favorite color is purple right?” followed shortly by: “You still needed slippers right?”. Priceless.
Anyways, back to our Top Secret Phantom mission. Let me share just a few hints…
* it is something that’s been on my bucket list for, well, forever and I’ve been finding out that I’m not the only one with this dream
* our Phantom followers are going to love it too – I’m pretty sure of that!
* it may or may not happen in the South – of course, mentioning where I flew to this week is a bit of a Madison-type hint
* there will be lots in it for you and plenty of chances to be a part of it
I think that’s all my Marketing team will let me say right now. Ugh, it’s killing me. Now I know where Madison gets it from!
Since I’ve mentioned Mobile, Alabama, let me just say this. Many of us have pre-conceived impressions of places and cities where we have never been but would love to go to. And, often we are disappointed when our dreaming doesn’t match up to reality. But guess what? Alabama exceeded my expectations and that’s saying a lot because they were pretty high!
Everywhere we went, people waved as we drove by, smiled as we passed in the grocery aisle, and shop clerks fell over themselves to help us with finding quaint eateries, the best places to find antiques, and places to explore.
Sure I was there for business but no apologies here – I am a big believer in discovering fun wherever life takes you, even if it is for business. So I am now in love with the people of Mobile and in time, when I can share our little secret with y’all (see, I’m already talking Southern-ish), I can’t wait to introduce them to you. You’re gonna love them.
If you’re familiar with Alabama, tell me your best memory of the State. And if you’ve never been, share with me the place you dream of visiting!