For some Labor Day is about the end of summer. For others it’s the chance to snag a bargain in the mad rush of back to school shopping. For others it’s a chance to enjoy one more long weekend before the weather changes.
Whatever your reason for enjoying the holiday, I want to use this short blog post to thank all the staff who work here at Phantom Screens. I want to say a heartfelt thank you for their hard work in manufacturing, marketing and selling our wonderful retractable screens.
Speaking personally, I know there’s a great joy to be found in working. We can sometimes let our jobs and careers define us – even knock our work-life balance off kilter – but that’s because there’s often great satisfaction in doing a job well. As Grover Washington said: “A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil.” Great people have achieved great things – not through luck or chance – but because they’ve not shied away from hard work.
I’ve said it many times before, but it’s worth repeating. The people at Phantom Screens are very special. Each and every one of them brings their own skills, their own life experience and their own way of delivering the Phantom experience to our customers.
I could write about each one of them and tell you why they’re valued. But that might take up a little too much of this blog post. So I won’t.
All I want to say, this Labor Day weekend, is thank you. Thank you to the people at Phantom who work so hard. You are appreciated and valued and loved. You are the unsung heroes behind our products. And I count it a privilege to serve our customers with you.
So wherever you are and whatever you’re doing this weekend, enjoy the long weekend and have a very happy and relaxing Labor Day.